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Be a Battle Buddy

Resources to help prevent and reduce suicide among transitioning service members, veterans, and their families.

Many veterans return from their service carrying trauma. Mecklenburg County Veterans Services is participating in the North Carolina Governor’s Challenge to prevent and reduce suicide among transitioning service members, veterans, and their families.

Now Recruiting Real Life Heroes

A battle buddy is someone who always has your back. Your battle buddy ensures that you are never alone. Now it is time to apply that concept to life after military service.

You can take part in the Governor's Challenge to grow as an expert companion to service members, veterans, and their families. Enroll in training to become a Battle Buddy. The training is free and open to the community.

Our objective is to promote military culture, whole health, and suicide prevention training opportunities available through PsychArmor and other training partners that result in increased service members, veterans, and their families connected to community services across social determinants of health .

Completing 500 minutes of training will earn you a Challenge Coin and leave you with the power to support the growth and healing of trauma survivors.

Register online to begin your journey.

Military Culture Courses

Mental Health/Military Culture Courses

Suicide Prevention Courses