
21 - 30 of 32 Results
  1. Mecklenburg Shapes Leaders: CSS Director Selected for ‘Leadership North Carolina’

    Stacy Lowry, director of Mecklenburg County Community Support Services, is one of 56 civic and community leaders to be accepted this year into the highly selective Leadership North Carolina program. The class comprises leaders from across the state and across sectors—government, business, nonprofit, education, etc. 

  2. Behind Every Number Is a Story: Status of Intimate Partner Violence in Mecklenburg County

    In recognition of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Mecklenburg County representatives, community partners, and survivors released the latest data related to intimate partner violence in Mecklenburg County.

  3. Women’s Equality Day: Celebrating Women in Mecklenburg County

    Mecklenburg County is celebrating women across the county and across the nation for Women’s Equality Day 2023. The Board of County Commissioners’ Women’s Advisory Board is hosting a free event on Saturday, Aug. 12 for women to gather and discover the stories of local trailblazers, learn about their journeys, and gain insights into the ongoing fight for gender equality.

  4. Do the Write Thing: Meck County Students Share Experiences on National Stage

    Two Mecklenburg County students are back home after representing thousands of middle school students across our community in Washington, D.C. as National Ambassadors in the Do the Write Thing challenge. Michael Ndomateso Tadi from Coulwood STEM Academy and Aaliyah Williams-Camp from Eastway Middle School are the 2023 ambassadors of the annual essay challenge where students share their personal experiences with violence and ideas for prevention.

  5. A Genuine Touch: Hitting the Streets to Help Unsheltered Homeless

    Mecklenburg County is building a street outreach program that engages and supports people living on the street throughout our community. With funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the County has partnered with Hearts for the Invisible CLT (HFTIC) to lead the street outreach effort.

  6. Do the Write Thing: Students Share Powerful Experiences with Youth Violence

    Two Mecklenburg County students have the chance to visit Washington, D.C. to represent the County and their peers during Do the Write Thing National Recognition Week.

  7. Finding Their Voice: Sexual Assault Survivors Lean on Each Other to Move Forward

    April Is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

  8. 3,260 Neighbors in Need: County Releases Housing and Homelessness Report

    Mecklenburg County Community Support Services has released the 2022 State of Housing Instability & Homelessness (SoHIH) Report.

  9. ​A Genuine Touch: County Seeks Leader to Connect with Unsheltered Homeless

    Mecklenburg County is seeking a provider (or several providers who work together) to build a program that reaches out directly to people living on the street in our community.

  10. Write a Happy Ending: Provider Needed for Young Adults in Extended Foster Care

    Mecklenburg County is searching for a provider to house young adults ages 18 to 21 who have aged out of foster care and teach them the skills they need to navigate a modern world.